Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ballet Class, Here I Come!

After much contemplation (okay, none...I read about it in Swerve and then just went for it) I decided to start an adult Ballet class. When was the last time I took ballet you ask? Oh, maybe 25 years ago, give or take. Or wait, was that Jazz dance? Oh, yah. So... never.

Above is the ballet gear I bought today, and seriously, I am regretting it a bit. But I got all caught up in the moment. So likely I will wear my yoga gear over this, and never actually show the outfit off to ANYONE, but I love owning pink tights. Like, majorly love it. I want black legwarmers to go with this outfit. I saw some at Forever XXI the other day - a store which totally speaks to my thirty-something life crises, by the way. If all else fails, I can prance around in this outfit at home, and it will be there UNDER my yoga clothes at my class, should I ever feel brave. Jill at work has a daughter who is a REAL ballerina, and she suggested the layering concept, and I trust her. Good to have a backup plan. However, I can see myself getting fed up with the ugly clothes one day, and just going for it. Maybe Class 3 or 4. Don't you think you would just dance better in THIS outfit, instead of yoga clothes? I did yoga for YEARS. Over it. So over it. Yawn.

I am also terrified by the fact that there are two times in the next 17 weeks when OUTSIDERS are invited to OBSERVE classes. Not only will no one I know be invited to this, but I am dying at the thought of anyone watching me try to be all ballet-ish, even if they are just strangers who are there to watch their loved ones. Maybe I will skip that day.

If it is all just too awful, maybe they will let me switch into African Dance or something, though the fast beats are not so good for me. I almost died trying to learn to miringue last year, and have never made it past the second beat of a hip hop workshop.

I have a feeling I will be blogging about this again. Soon. Lessons start Tuesday at 5. Yikes.

1 comment:

  1. Let me just say that I've very jealous about you fitting (and most likely looking good) in ballet ensemble. Me? Just finished making baby #4 and still wearing yoga pants weekly. Sigh!

    good luck with the class! Keep us updated if you like it.
