Tuesday, July 12, 2011

more likeable stuff...

other things to like in goderich:

1. racoons that wander around looking friendly (okay, i later learned that it is most likely rabid...like people...the super outgoing ones are really hoping to take a chunk of flesh...lol)

2. sitting here on my deck this morning, i have just seen a white dove, a blue jay, and a cardinal in the trees in my yard.

3. at night i can hear the tide on lake huron and the gulls.

4. they still sell milk in bags.

5. it doesn't get cold at night, or even at dawn.

6. you can run to rexall for milk at 8am in your black disco nightshirt and still feel fashionable.

7. the fresh-caught and perfectly baked lake whitefish i had for dinner last night in a restaurant that looks like a 1960's museum...because they haven't changed a thing since then, including gus, the owner. i think it was called the candlelight. maybe just the candle. anyway, catch of the day, every day. yummy!!!

i think that's all i've had time for since yesterday...

1 comment:

  1. Your vacation sounds extremely relaxing! And PS - you're always fashionable :)
