Friday, July 1, 2011

I do NOT love mosquitoes

I was going to call this "I hate mosquitoes", but hate is such a strong word. I loathe, detest, and despise them. Honestly, as Calgarians we wait ALL YEAR for decent weather, and as soon as it arrives, so does the vampire army. And they don't try to glamour or seduce you, or take you on exotic vacations. Those bitches just come right up to you and draw your blood. This is particularly offensive in my case because they leave behind huge welt-like owies that are hideous and interfere with my smooth skin thing. What is the PURPOSE of these terrible creatures? They can not be that essential to the food chain. The trouble is, the harder people try to get rid of them, it seems the stronger they come back. Repellants have to be increasingly strong...pretty soon they will be able to get right through armour. On the hiking trip from hell that I have often referred to, I had several desperate blood-suckers bite me through a HAT and a canvas coat. So, during our three short weeks of Calgarian summer, we are forced to either sit inside, looking at the sunshine, or do what I did today, completely coat myself in Off to brave the bike ride from Point McKay to Prince's Island and hope that between the Off and my super speed I could outrun them.

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