Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Violated by a teeny tiny penis

I changed my mind about the blogging due to the super-fascinating experiences I have been having today. I just had the smallest dick ever in my lap. An animation team member - and I have never understood why they are called this, rather than "entertainment team", but whatever - was wandering around trying to get people to have their picture taken with little monkeys. Now I love monkeys, but as this is hardly my first time, I have several Karie and Trained Monkey photos in the archives, and don't need more. Anyway, Jose decides that I look like the kind of girl who likes to hold monkeys. No giggling yet. Anyway, he marches over and places George the Squirrel Monkey directly on my head, which is thankfully being protected by my cowgirl hat. George the Monkey promptly climbs down onto my bare shoulder, and then immediately into my bikini-clad lap. "Oh!" exclaims Jose, "Look, he is a man!" I look down to see that George the Monkey has now flipped onto his back between my thighs and is sporting a mini monkey full hard on which is approximately 2cm long. I immediately proclaim some shocked response and try somehow to back away from an animal that is still positioned in my lap. Jose gets the message at this point I guess because he chooses this moment to try to relieve me of the horny primate. At this point my new boyfriend George the Monkey tries to attack Jose in order to continue his relationship with me and hisses and claws at Jose while trying to burrow further between my legs. Fortunately for all of us, at this point Jose manages to capture George by his little monkey collar before any more erotic escapades can occur and both man and beast make a hasty exit from my part of the beach to try to sell their photos to tourists who have NOT just witnessed a monkey erection in the lap of a slightly disgusted Canadian girl. Good luck, Jose. And George, we will always have Mexico. I shall keep your discarded sunflower seed shell as a memento of our brief, but meaningful time together.


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