Saturday, December 18, 2010

Help! Leave comments please. What would you do?

As I sat in Starbucks today, waiting to wish Amber's fiance "Happy Birthday", I suddenly realized that the people one table over were feircely involved in gossiping about someone. My ears tingled when I heard names and situations that I recognized all too well. The subject of the gossip and conjecture happens to be a very close friend of mine, and the woman doing the gossiping is supposedly a good and long-time friend of theirs. I turned around and confronted the big mouth, who immediately denied that she was talking about the same person, and then went silent for several minutes when I turned away. The problem is, the gossiper is now also a huge LIAR, because there is no way that she was talking about anyone else, other than my friend. The gossiper named names and places. And I recognize her from parties and art openings, though she did not recognize me (must have been the furry hat).

So what I need help with is, what do I do now? I was furious and shaking at the time, and all I could do was indignantly stare this woman down as she left Starbucks. Now I want to know, do I tell my friend about this incident? Would you want to know, or would it be too hurtful and I should keep my mouth shut? Help. If I tell, do I wait until after the holidays? What would you want? I am too upset to make the decision myself, and my first instinct is to out this woman.


  1. Hey Karie,

    Well my advice would be tell her. if I placed myself in the position of the person being gossiped about, I think that I would like to know because this person is supposed to be my friend. There would be nothing worse than if this person was to catch up with me over xmas and it was all a show. At the same time I think if you wait until after the holidays then I think the moment passes.

    If it was me I would hope that my friends would tell me that someone was gossiping about me, whether or not what was said is the truth or not.

    If they were a friend then they would'nt be gossiping in the first place. So I would like the oppurtunity to rid my life of such a negative person.

    Hope that helps karie


