Friday, March 18, 2011

What's New?

Sometimes I feel like I have so much to blog about, and other times, I feel like the most uninteresting person on the planet because I "got nothin'", except things that are too diary-ish to blog about. And I am supposed to focus on BIG, not whine, but whining is so much FUNNIER.

Like Wednesday when I walked Scoop in the afternoon. I stepped down into what I thought was four inches of snow, and turned out to be literally UP TO MY KNEES in freezing cold ice water, cleverly disguised by two inches of snow. I was stuck, and panicked, and just kept going to where I knew a sidewalk existed in the park, but by the time I got there I was soaked through from the knees down in ice water, and then had to hobble home with the crazy mutt as fast as I could. I have to confess, I was crying by the time I got to the house to peel off my boots, socks, and jeans. Now is that a positive story? No. But looking back, is it hilariously lame? You bet. It is practically a Chaplin moment, it is so absurd.

Someone truly hilarious, whose books and comedy I mostly love, now there is something to talk about. Chelsea Handler is beautiful, voted one of the 99 sexiest women in the world, totally naughty, and makes me laugh and laugh and laugh. I have been re-reading "Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea" while on the treadmill and it makes time fly. She is exactly eight months older than me, and I feel like she is the older, brasher sister I never had. And Tijuana comes up in this interview, which is so weird because I just dreamed about it last night. She is a little out there, but I admire her so much for just telling the truth as it occurs to her. And did I mention she makes my laugh?

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