Saturday, March 26, 2011

Inception & Moving Day

There are days that just make you think. About everything. And I already have that problem...thinking too much. Most people know that about me.
I finally finished watching Inception tonight. YUUUUUCK. I appreciate how brilliant it is, but I must be the only person on earth who HATES that movie. Like I needed to question reality MORE than I already do. Not to mention that it gets so LONG and BORING. And I don't give a damn about a single character, so I don't care what happens to them. No thank you.

The other thing that happened today was helping Mom and Ethan move. It is not that I mind this in the least. I love them so much and loved being able to help out. But every time I help with a move, I think about my reality. And basically I want to immediately go straight home, sell almost everything I own, and....what....I don't know. Just not have so many THINGS. Run away. I get overwhelmed by this every few months. I am just this way, and I have come to accept it, though have not totally learned how to live with it. I sometimes feel trapped by "stuff". I would like Carrie Bradshaw's apartment. 500 square feet, a huge closet full of beautiful clothes, a great bed, books, computer, and that's it. With a huge window overlooking a totally quaint street with bakeries and book shops and record stores. And a phone that is always ringing. Just a small home base where I can hang my hat in between adventures.

This makes me sound totally ungrateful, and I don't mean to. Sometimes I just want things to be simple. Plus, I know I am a little gypsy girl...always wanting to be loved, but always wanting to be free and roaming. "Stuff" just doesn't always jive with the gypsy parts of me.

Wow, I am complicated. Thanks for being my friend. It must be exhausting.


  1. What you need to keep in mind about Inception -

    #1 the music (Hans Zimmer) is just simply amazing (I bought the soundrack on iTunes the next day)

    and #2 - Tom Hardy is a very fine looking man :) I love just about everything he's in. Have you seen the most recent BBC Wuthering Heights?? And The Virgin Queen?? He is wonderful in both.

  2. Okay, the soundtrack was good. I will give you that.
