Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring Break
This has definitely been a strange Spring Break for has really been all over the place. Having spent the last one in the Dominican, and pretty much all of the last four before that in Mexico, I really didn't know what I was going to do. It turned out to be mostly nice, but so different. I got lots of opportunities to see friends, sometimes for extended periods of time that normally would be hard to squeeze in. It helps when your friends are also teachers on spring break, but I even managed to see the non-teachers. And go to some places in the city that I never normally visit any more - like Chinatown. Spending time with people was lovely.

I rehearsed with my students twice, on Tuesday and Wednesday. They are so cute and so committed. Honestly, how can you say no when they are willing and wanting to take time out of their break to come and do theatre? We made good progress too, which is very good since we have to perform in three and a half weeks. They are a good group, very instinctual, and have a really solid understanding of what has to happen in order for the piece to work. It is so easy to get feeling blah about work, but for me, when I can actual dig into something good with the kids, it makes all the other crap worth it. They give me an energy that does not compare to anything else, when we really get grooving together.

Banff was a great escape, but I felt like I needed another night. It's amazing that you don't have to go very far to downshift, but just when I started to mellow out, it was time to come home.

This weekend I have ended the break by just trying to do things that would make me start the week feeling on top. Caught up the laundry, changed all the beds (you never know when someone might need one), cleaned bathrooms. The glamorous parts of life that I am always so excited to do. Cleaning, I found lots of messages from Scoop too, which mostly makes me smile now, just barely a lip twitch. I found one of my most favourite and fairly new shirts in a heap behind a piece of furniture. Just as I was excited to have found it and pulled it out, I saw that it had been absolutely shredded on the whole right side. Scoop was not usually a dog to chew things he wasn't supposed to, but I must've pissed him off one day because the shirt was in hilarious pieces. Anyway, that was one...little things like dog claw scratches in furniture that I hadn't seen before and the odd toy wedged in strange places still pops up. But the positive side is I get to do things now that were out of the question before, like sleep in, and leave out this goofy puzzle someone gave me at Christmas that I never could have left on a table before because it would have been gnawed on.

And that's that for Spring Break. April is going to be nuts, so I am taking a deep breath and just plunging in. Got your Wicked tickets yet?


1 comment:

  1. This is why I'm already dreading and fearing the dog we don't have yet - but I know is most likely coming in another 3-4 years. Hopefully I can keep pushing it off.
