Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Do you get to laugh at work ALL THE TIME?

Well, I do. And I feel so lucky. Several times a day it is with colleagues and friends, but I constantly laugh with (and at) kids. Oh, they are so funny....especially when they don't mean to be. I told my grade nine's today that I want to start a random quote book of totally hilarious things that they say. It all started today, with a scene where one student was playing the "wife" in the scene being performed, and went up to her "husband" in all serious drama mode and asked, "Honey, have you seen my chicken knife?" I have no idea why the idea of a chef's knife that is reserved solely for cutting chicken makes me laugh so hard, but it does. And then there was a scene (very serious, too) with a character named Dick. They thought that was clever, but the hilarity didn't really happen until a moment of intensity in the scene when another character grabbed the dying Dick by the shoulders and shouted, "Dick! Don't let me down!" Oh God. I almost couldn't breathe. The hardest part for me is when I REALLY want to laugh, but I can't, because the kids are being so SERIOUS and DRAMATIC and EMOTIONAL in their work. It's not really an urge to make fun of them, more like their insights into the adult world just hit me sometimes...and I am thankful that I teach in the dark so often so my babies can't see me laughing at them. What a great, great, great job. I am reminding myself of this particularly on nights like tonight because I just got home (8:45) and need to be back early in the morning. It definitely wouldn't be worth it without their charming little personalities waiting to greet me.

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