Monday, May 14, 2012

China On My Mind

The results are in. After reading the Korea contract carefully and noting the demanding schedule, I was nervous. Last Monday morning the private school in Ningbo, China emailed to offer me a position. I agreed without hesitation and have not looked back. I had to get a health letter, and some more paperwork (the paperwork to do this is mountainous) done, but everything is in motion. So this is what has happened in the past seven days: I have gone through my closet, ruthlessly sending to charity all the stuff I never wear, I have emptied my office and given away or stored my teaching supplies, I have purchased a plane ticket for August 21st, and have this very day....resigned. I know some dear ones out there will think this is a bad idea, but I am clearing out the debris of the past. I will be left debt free and with nothing material tying me down. I will always be tied down by those I love, but I consider THAT a very good thing. As long as those relationships stay strong, I am free as a bird to go out and explore the world at a deeper and more intimate level, that only comes from becoming a citizen of a new place and establishing a life there. Here's the other thought that occured to me. I made a big fuss at Chinese New Years because it is the year of the luckiest sign: The Dragon. And I am...a dragon...and I have always identified strongly with that sign. I have been buying little dragons all year. I feel nervous, but mostly just ELATED. I believe that this is my next step in life, and the one that my Higher Power wants me to take.

Oh, by the way, my play was a smashing success. What a great way to leave my school.

And also....TWO WEEKS UNTIL NEW YORK!!!  I can barely sleep sometimes, I am fantasizing about it constantly. Can you believe I have never been there? I know, right? As Mary M said at work the other day, "Oh Karie, that's YOUR town!"...


  1. Darling Kari,
    Good luck, good luck - you dragon woman you. You are going to meet your destiny, and it will be a roller coaster ride and adventure. We strongly support you. God bless and keep you in His loving arms.

  2. So glad you chose China. I've been thinking about you since I read your last post and just keeping my fingers crossed that you would go with China. You will love it!! I promise - you will love it.

    And New York! Gosh - I wish we still lived in CT - you would have been welcomed to stay with us. We were only 35 miles from Times Square and our house was within walking distance to a train stop. Oh well - I can just fantasize about how fun it would have been to see you.

    Now...let's talk money transfers. When you get settled in China, and if you have access to email, PLEASE tell me how I can send you some money (maybe closer to the time you leave) so you can buy me a couple strands of those lovely white pearls (although technically, I want you to get me pink and green :))

    take care, my dear.
